
淘贝官方帐号2023-05-12 20:43:25景德镇淘贝游戏开发公司淘贝官方帐号,游戏类开发领域创作者
摘要:在这个市场上,棋牌界的市场是一个非常激烈的市场,号称“印钞机”的棋牌游戏已经成为了一个巨大的市场,很多手机平台的开发人员都在寻找机会。不过,棋牌游戏的研发并不是单纯的研发,而是经营。所以,在发展后的移动棋牌游戏的初期,应该关注什么?In this market, the che

在这个市场上,棋牌界的市场是一个非常激烈的市场,号称“印钞机”的棋牌游戏已经成为了一个巨大的市场,很多手机平台的开发人员都在寻找机会。不过,棋牌游戏的研发并不是单纯的研发,而是经营。所以,在发展后的移动棋牌游戏的初期,应该关注什么?In this market, the chess and card market is a very fierce market, known as "money printing machine" chess and card games has become a huge market, many mobile platform developers are looking for opportunities. However, the development of board games is not purely research and development, but management. So, in the early days of developing mobile board games, what should you focus on?



I. Business plan with accurate market positioning


Mobile chess developers must know their strengths and weaknesses, and according to their strengths and weaknesses, choose the most appropriate marketing positioning and the most appropriate business strategy. The analysis of marketing should be based on customer groups to carry out accurate marketing.


II、 Development of safe and stable board and card games

高端的手机棋牌制作公司会让你明白,只有“有料”的棋牌游戏,方能吸引更多的新用户,不仅游戏的运行速度更快,还能让用户体验到更多的乐趣,更重要的是, APP、 APP、网络等都是如此。主要内容有:游戏的下载量是否正常、正确地安装路线、登记资料的安全性等基本问题。

High-end mobile chess production companies will let you know that only "raw" chess games can attract more new users, not only faster, but also more fun, more importantly, APP, APP, the network. The main content includes: whether the game downloads the quantity to be normal, correctly installs the route, the registration material security and so on basic question.


III、 Using robots as players

在早期的手游中,真正的玩家并不多,所以有人工智能的陪练,就能发挥作用了。在入座后,若无客人进入,智能机器人便会自动走到桌上,为游戏做好充分的准备。一旦进入了这个世界,拥有 AI能力的机器人就会变成真正的玩家。

In the early hand tour, the real player is not many, so there is artificial intelligence training, can play a role. After seating, if no guests enter, the intelligent robot will automatically go to the table, ready for the game. Once in the world, robots with AI capabilities become real players.


These are the key to development and operations, such as accurate marketing strategy, stable and safe board games, plus the use of robots as a player, in the early operation will be smoother, will also have a great help for future development.
