Effortlessly Upload Files with ajaxfileupload.js: Streamline Your File Transfer

作者:巴彦淖尔淘贝游戏开发公司 阅读:63 次 发布时间:2023-06-10 20:48:46

摘要:The transfer of files over the internet is a common occurrence in today’s world. Files can range from small text documents to large media files, which can make the transfer process a little cumbersome. In some cases, the upload process can take several m...

The transfer of files over the internet is a common occurrence in today’s world. Files can range from small text documents to large media files, which can make the transfer process a little cumbersome. In some cases, the upload process can take several minutes or even hours, especially when using traditional transfer methods such as FTP or HTTP. However, thanks to Javascript libraries such as ajaxfileupload.js, the process can be much smoother and faster.

Effortlessly Upload Files with ajaxfileupload.js: Streamline Your File Transfer

What is ajaxfileupload.js?

Ajaxfileupload.js is a light-weight Javascript library that makes it effortless to upload files to a server from a web page. It uses AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) technology, which enables the upload process to happen without having to refresh the entire web page. Therefore, it provides a fast and smooth file transfer experience for the user. It supports various file input types such as image, audio or video and can be used in various applications, making it a valuable tool for web developers.

How to use ajaxfileupload.js?

Using ajaxfileupload.js is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download the library and include it in your project. You can either download the source code or use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to include it quickly in your project. Once you have included the library, you need to create a form to select a file for upload. The form should have an input tag that has the type attribute set to file.



In the above HTML code, the form has an input tag with the id “file”, which defines the file input field. Next, add an event listener to the form’s submit button, which will handle the file upload.


$("#upload").click(function() {

var file = $("#file")[0].files[0];


url: 'upload.php',

secureuri: false,

fileElementId: 'file',

dataType: 'json',

data: {'file': file},

success: function (data, status) {

// handle success


error: function (data, status, e) {

// handle error



return false;



In the above code, the click event is triggered when the user clicks on the upload button. It retrieves the selected file using the file input field id, then initiates the file upload process using ajaxFileUpload call. The call passed several parameters to ajaxfileupload.js, including the file URL’s target location on the server, the file input field’s ID, the data type expected in the server’s response and if the upload should be secure or not. After the upload completes, the success event handles the response.

Why use ajaxfileupload.js?

Ajaxfileupload.js provides numerous benefits to developers, including:

1. Smooth User Experience: Using ajaxfileupload.js makes the file upload process much smoother and more efficient, providing a better user experience. The use of AJAX technology enables this library to upload files without refreshing the entire page, which results in faster upload times.

2. Supports Multiple File Types: ajaxfileupload.js supports uploading of various file types, including audio, video, and images, providing more options for web developers.

3. Easy to Use: It's straightforward to use ajaxfileupload.js, and most web developers will quickly grasp the library's concept, making the implementation process quick and efficient.

4. Versatile: The library can be used in various web projects, including enterprise-level systems, making it a valuable tool for web developers.


File transfer using traditional methods such as FTP or HTTP can be laborious and time-consuming. The introduction of libraries such as ajaxfileupload.js has revolutionized the file uploading process, making it more straightforward, smoother, and faster. Its use of AJAX technology enables faster transfer of large files without refreshing the entire web page. Additionally, the library is easy to use, supports multiple file types and can be used in various applications. Thus, developers should consider using ajaxfileupload.js to improve their file transfer process.

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